Car exhaust muffler is a device, which is installed on the air flow channel of the aerodynamic equipment or in the intake and exhaust systems, that prevents sound transmission and allows air flow to pass. Therefore, installing a car exhaust muffler on an automobile is an indispensable measure to eliminate aerodynamic noises.

At present, in order to suppress the environmental noise caused by high-pressure air discharge, there are many types of car exhaust mufflers in the world, and most of them adopt the principle of impedance compound muffler. Due to the complicated structure, heavy weight, high-temperature oxidation sound-absorbing filler, high-speed airflow impact sound-absorbing filler, and water vapor penetration of the sound-absorbing filler, the car exhaust muffler has problems of frequent maintenance, poor noise reduction, and short service life, which are the main problems faced by car silencers.

Exhaust muffler

Function of Mufflers 

The car exhaust muffler is mainly used to reduce the noise generated by the motor vehicle engine. The automobile exhaust pipe is composed of two pipes of different lengths, which are separated before they meet. Because the difference in length of the two pipes is equal to half the wavelength of the sound waves emitted by the car, the two rows of sound waves interfere when superimposed, so they cancel each other and weaken the sound intensity, reducing the transmitted sound. The above is the principle of the exhaust muffler to play a silencing effect.

Damage Signs of Mufflers

In the autumn and winter, when the car is driving, burning gasoline will generate a lot of water vapor, which cannot be discharged in a short time, giving rise to the water accumulated in the car muffler. it keeps common knowledge that the material of car exhaust muffler is mainly made of steel. In the course of time, it brings about the rust inside the car’s muffler that caused damage to the exhaust muffler. Therefore, failing exhaust muffler not only makes the noise of the car larger, but also causes the following phenomena.

(1) The engine power drops, which gives rise to weak driving and poor acceleration.

(2) The engine does not work smoothly which even causes the phenomenon of engine vibration. In addition, individual cylinders do not work.

(3) It keeps difficult to start the engine.

(4) The phenomenon of water overflow and air leakage at the joint between the cylinder body and the cylinder head.

(5) The cylinder gasket burned out between the oil channel and the water channel, and organic oil appeared in the cooling water.

(6) Air bubbles emerge from the water inlet of the radiator, and sometimes the exhaust muffler will also drop water droplets.

The working environment of the car exhaust mufflers is relatively bad, which is high temperature, carbon deposition, water vapor corrosion, easily giving rise to car breakdown. Not only can Doing good daily maintenance ensure the normal work of the muffler and increase its service life, but also has considerable significance for maintaining the normal work of the car and extending the life of the car exhaust muffler.