In fact, this is a problem that drivers often encounter. The black smoke from the exhaust pipe occurs when the engine is shaking. And at this time, the car is difficult to accelerate. 

Cause of Exhaust Pipe Emitting Black Smoke

The amount of black smoke in the exhaust pipe is related to the amount of fuel injected by the car. This phenomenon is generally more common in carburetor vehicles. Because the fuel injection of the carburetor is not controlled by the computer like other models, it is controlled by the pedal throttle. The pedal throttle is not precise enough compared to the computer. If too much fuel enters the cylinder, the fuel can’t be fully burned and can only be exhausted out of the vehicle. At this time, the black smoke we saw was formed.

Solution Of The Exhaust Pipe Emitting Black Smoke

The reasons for the incomplete combustion of gasoline are as follows. For example, when the temperature is low, the sparking plug does not work smoothly, and it takes a period to start. In this way, the petrol cannot be completely burned in the cylinder, and then it is discharged together with the exhaust gas, which is black smoke. Also, it is because that the ignition time of the vehicle is not correct. The EFI cars emit less black smoke. If the EFI car really emits black smoke, there is mostly a malfunction in the cylinder. 

First you can check whether the intake is not up to the requirements, which needs to see if the filter is working properly. Also, the air flow of the filter should be checked later.

The second is to see if the volume of the fuel injection is normal, and the degree of atomization of the fuel injection should reach the standard as well. We should also pay attention to the quality of the injectors to see whether we should replace it or not and so on. Additionally, we can check the quality of the gasoline, and then try to change the gasoline if needed.

Then we should check if there is a problem of the engine. The problems of engine are generally related to sparking plugs and ignition coils. We can think about whether the spark plug has not been replaced for a long time. 

Then check the cylinder pressure of the car. If the cylinder leaks, then the appearance of black smoke can occur. Of course, there is also a case where too much carbon is accumulated in the valve and the chamber, and the carbon can be discharged from the exhaust pipe together with the exhaust gas.

The last is to observe the working of the car when ignited. Because the timing of the ignition is not accurate enough, the black smoke of the exhaust pipe will also occur.

If black smoke is found, we should keep in mind that the car should be repaired in time to prevent further problems. Of course, we should also pay attention to the safety of the new car, and regularly check the car.

exhaust pipe modification

Are two exhaust pipes performing better than one exhaust pipe?

Generally speaking, a four-cylinder engine uses a single exhaust system and a double exhaust system. There is little difference in low speed. At the middle and high speed, because friction noise dominates, the tailpipe noise of the dual exhaust system will be 2-7 decibels lower than that of the single exhaust system. It can be seen that engines with higher demand speeds (usually better performance) are more willing to choose a dual-outlet exhaust system, but the use of dual exhaust systems will result in increased costs and more limited installation space.

Should the exhaust pipe be as thick as possible?

The original exhaust system is the best setting for the automobile manufacturer to balance daily driving practicability, comfort, environmental protection and performance after careful calculation and test. Generally, the daily driving engine is running at low and medium speeds. The exhaust pipe diameter of civil vehicles is not too thick and the exhaust pipe bends more. This is to maintain a certain exhaust back pressure to meet the dynamic performance at low and medium speeds. Large diameter exhaust pipe will lose the torque at low speed because of too smooth exhaust and insufficient back pressure, resulting in weak start and high fuel consumption. Especially for small displacement vehicle with congenital insufficient torque, we should pay more attention to this problem.

What’s the matter with the drip from the exhaust pipe?

Exhaust pipes drip water,  which is more common in new cars. In fact whether low-end or luxury cars, this phenomenon will occur. The accumulation of condensed water droplets is a sufficient expression of gasoline combustion in the engine, because the gasoline will generate water vapor and carbon dioxide after it is completely burned. When the ambient temperature is low, the white smoke of the exhaust pipe is water vapor. When water vapor flows through the metal tube, it condenses into water droplets.

All in all, the modified exhaust has beautiful sound and attractive appearance, but at the same time, it will reduce the performance of the car.